Our Plant Experiment


We loved having Miss Erine as our student teacher. We learnt so much with her and that includes Mrs Dobbie!

This was our 2 week experiment. We had 5 bean plants who volunteered to be part of our experiment. Before we started we learnt about the different stages of a science investigation. 

They are: 

1. Ask a question.

2. Make a hypothesis (guess the answer)

3. Experiment and observe. Make notes on your observations. 

4. Analyze your test results.

5. Present a conclusion.

1. Our question 

What do we think will happen to our bean plants if we change one thing in their lives?

We had 1 plant with no water (got coke zero to drink instead), 1 with no soil, 1 with no air, 1 with no sunlight and 1 known as the control which got all the normal things (air, light, water, soil).  

2. Make a hypothesis after learning about what plants need to grow well.

3. Experiment and observe. Make notes on our observations.

4. Analyze our test results.

We measured our bean plants by blocks and counted the number of leaves on each in week 1 and then again in week 2. Surprisingly some of our hypotheses were wrong. The plant without soil (growing in sand) grew quite well as did the one being watered with coke. The plant that was in a jar also didn't do too badly.

5. Present a conclusion.

However, our conclusion was as many of us hypothesised that a plant needs water, sunlight and proper nutrients to grow properly.


Here we are discussing our results.



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