Charlie shares his learning and creating.

 Today Charlie did 3 amazing things in his bubble. 

First, remember the storm that happened last night. There was thunder and lightning and lots of wind and rain. Mrs Dobbie's rubbish bins blew over and she's sure there is something missing from the backyard but she's not sure what.....

Well, Charlie used his powerful sense of observation and wrote this really amazing poem about the storm. Look at the descriptive words he used. I love the way his poem ends too. If I closed my eyes and Charlie read his poem to me I could imagine the storm all over again. 

I wonder whether there is anyone else out there in Room 6 or reading our blog who could write a poem about a personal experience?

Then he had to meet the challenge of creating a marshmallow and spaghetti tower. Now, Mrs Dobbie has tried this and it's not that easy. Well done Charlie. Do you recommend others to give it a go? Was it fun and most important of all, did you get to eat all the marshmallows?

Last but not by any means least, Charlie nearly tried out a new form of food today (although people do eat insects and some say they are very yummy!)

Isn't that weta huge? I wonder how the weta felt when he looked inside and saw Charlie's mouth?

I reckon this would make a great writing prompt. What do you think?


  1. Hi Charlie'
    That Weta is HUGE! . At first look, I thought it was on his face and nearly freaked out. Luckily, I realised there was glass between them. Yes, it would make a good prompt as it is an AWESOME photo!
    Well Charlie, where do we start. You have done so much work and that poem was fantastic. I hope you had a good time doing everything because you look like you did!

  2. Hi Charlie. I absolutely love your poem. I can really feel the storm through your poem. I got a big fright seeing the weta. I'm scared of wetas. I don't want to eat any. Although I could definitely eat marshmallows and cook the spaghetti. Great to see what you have been doing during this lockdown Charlie.

  3. Wow Charlie you wrote a fantastic poem about that scary storm last week.
    It was very scary and wild out there, fortunately I was safe and cozy at home.
    You illustrated it beautifully and I love how you presented it, all typed up and everything!
    Well, done Charlie!

  4. Wow! Charlie, it looks like you have been very busy in your bubble! What a fantastic poem, I loved the illustration that you did to go with it. I hope you got to eat those marshmallows!!


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