Arrays are Everywhere ...

if you look around.

Do you know what an array is? It's an arrangement of things in rows going across and columns going down. Arrays can show us how multiplication works. For example 2 x 4 would be shown as:



2 groups of 4 = 8

We looked around our classroom and look at the arrays we found!

        Windows -  2 groups of 6 = 12

Tote trays - 8 groups of 4 = 32

Our artwork - 3 groups of 3 = 9

Nogard writing - 3 groups of 5 = 15

Egg carton - 2 groups of 6 = 12

Our coloured pencils - 

2 groups of 2 = 4

Our bags - 2 groups of 3 = 6

Amazing isn't it? We found so many more. Look around you and you too will suddenly see arrays everywhere!


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