We just love science...

We are really enjoying being scientists in Room 6.

Here we are investigating the phenomenum of capilliary action. This is when water travels upwards against gravity which generally pulls everything downwards!

See how the water in the yellow and blue cups travels up the tissue  paper into the third empty cup in the middle eventually forming the green water! Amazing!

So, it all happens because of capilliary action. Water molecules love to stick together. If one adheres (sticks) to the tissue paper and moves up,  it pulls the next molecule up with it and number 2 molecule pulls up number 3 and so on until it reaches the end of the tissue paper in the third cup. This "wanting to be together is called "cohesion".

We found out that this is how plants get their water and nutrients from the ground. The water and nutrients adhere to the roots of the plant and move up into the leaves.

Wow wow wow!


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