Room 6 scientists!

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you poke a pencil through a plastic bag filled with water? Room 6 scientist Heine asked the class thus question. We decided to investigate. We had a couple of hypotheses. The bag would leak and the pencil would stop the water coming out.

We decided to test our hypotheses. Wow the water stayed in. That was amazing. Why does it do that? 

We have learnt that all things are made up of tiny lumps called "molecules". The molecules that make up a plastic bag are in long chains and when the pencil makes a hole, the long chains of molecules seal back around the pencil and prevent water from leaking out

Pretty cool eh?

Next we decided to change one thing. Could it still work with more than one pencil? In fact how many pencils could we put in before the big started to leak? The challenge was on!


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