This week was anti bullying week. We as a class and school are against bullying of any kind.

In class we talked about what bullying meant, what bullying looked and sounded like and what we should do if we see someone being bullied or we are being bullied ourselves.

We agreed that bullying is mean and makes you feel sad and scared.

One of the activities we did in class was the story of the 2 apples. Mrs Dobbie introduced us to 2 apples. One was called Pete and the other Manu.  We said lots of bad and mean things to Manu like "you're ugly" and "you're stupid" but gave Pete lots of compliments like "you look nice" and "you are a good friend".

Mrs Dobbie then cut open the apples to see what they looked like on the inside. Pete was lovely and white whereas Manu was brown, bruised and mushy. 

Mrs Dobbie told us that when people bully others or when someone is mean to someone that the bad words hurt that person on the inside even though they may look alright on the outside.

We must always remember to do the right thing and be kind to others and always think "if I wouldn't like it to be said or done to me why would I say or do it to someone else?"

Pete the happy apple.

Manu the sad apple.

Respect everyone and they will respect you! 



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