Room 6 Receives a Parcel from Dunedin!!!!!

Finally after weeks of waiting... the parcel from our Dunedin school arrived. If you are looking at our blog H2 of North East Valley Normal School, let us tell you we were soooo excited to see your parcel arrive!

We had to wait a few days to open it though because it arrived in the middle of EOTC Week and we were not doing normal school work. See our later post!

It was really cool opening the parcel and discovering that the class that had been chosen for us, was another year 3 class just like us! They had filled out the questionnaire form too and it was fascinating to see that some of their answers were similar to ours and some were completely different!

We couldn't wait to see their metaphors on the postcards and to put them together to make the big puzzle. When we had all had a turn putting the puzzle together we read the message "Talk with people who help you see the world differently".  We had a discussion about what this means - talk and learn from people who have different cultures, opinions and beliefs,

Here are some photos of J2's writing project. I wonder what they thought about our project?


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