Last Day of Term 3

There is nothing like eating ice blocks with our buddies on a sunny afternoon in spring! Yay it's the holidays! Enjoy yourselves everyone!😊😆


  1. Today Zoe came to room 15 to see what its like to have a Chromebook ' I think that they will help me to find stuff out.' Zoe says

  2. Hey room 5,
    I from one of the digital class and I think you guys should have the opportunity to be in the digital class because when you are like older you would be like aw man I wish I had a laptop well this is the thing for you.You get to do lots of things on your chrome book like comment also you get your own personal google account.One of the things I like about the digital class is when you go on a computer or a laptop you would be like aw man I wish I knew how to use it and here you would learn how to use any sort of things you will need to know like how to take a snapshot and all those other things.One other thing that I like about the digital class is the devise like nothing would be here if it wasn't for the laptop so if you want to join roll in now because soon all the spaces will be filled out and we don't want you guys to miss out on have a fun time in the digital class.


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