Today was the annual NWS Book Parade. As always it was a lot of fun and there were some amazing costumes. You guys were awesome.  Special congratulations to Ryan (Potatoman), Aleesha (Mrs Wishy Washy) and Amber (Carrot Girl) for winning best costumes in the class. Lots of work went into your costumes I'm  sure! Also especially fantastic were Sneha dressed as a carrot, Adriana (the Little Yellow Digger), Zoe (Heidi - loved the goat on the skateboard!), Draven (Scarecrow) and Kate (Dalmatian dog).

Don't we look amazing?

Carrots anyone?

Every year Mrs Fernandez comes up with a winner!
"Hi!" Mrs Wishy Washy!
Nice one Ryan!
Mrs Dobbie free ranging!


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